2016年1月7日 星期四

Substantial and Virtual Internet of Things (IoT)

Written by Peter Li-Chang Kuo
Looking back to the early of 1986, my wife Linda Din who was holding my five-year-old son and saying: “I’ll start a business for resolving the jobless problem.” Soon after, She really solved more than one hundred unemployment problems. And she thus found out that ‘Unemployment problem is a structure issue’, then on a certain day she cut and pasted to draft up a drawing (per Fig 1) as she meditated. She said that “the substantial ‘VAM & eStore’ can create many jobs, and the virtual channel will penetrate the commercial information swiftly to the worldwide market.”
Fig 1 ‘The eStore System’ (TES)
Source: Din, Linda (2001:cover)
No one believed ‘what Linda says’, even me too—laughed at that ridiculous drawing; until one day I suddenly realized what was the meaning of drawing disclosed, and wrote down the words ‘Heavenly Secret’(天機)—when this so-called ‘the eStore system’ (TES) in running that many people will become the beneficiaries. And based on her invention, she won the bill of ‘E-Commerce’ at APEC 1998; after 3 decades, the world called Linda’s substantial combined with virtual channel as internet of things (IoT).
Linda’s grandma was a devout Buddhist, and everyday chanting ‘The Diamond Sutra’, in which a scripture says: “The Buddha obtained the Dharma is neither real nor unreal.”(如來所得法,此法無實無虛) the scripture affected Linda’s thinking, consequently, she was in her meditation realizing that her invention must have the substantial and virtual channel to be a complete electronic commerce, and then able to create tremendous jobs for the needy. After knowing the real and unreal, It will be earlier to find out the industrial niche. And further to do the analysis of ‘where global competitiveness’, and investing that research and development in this direction until bear fruits.
Now, we turn the page 161-163 of her book ‘A Daughter of National Defense Employee—Linda Din, A Lady of Rich Taiwan’ which was published in 2001 to see what she described her invention ‘Substantial & Virtual Channel’:
My electronic commerce, which major purpose is for resolving the jobless problem. Therefore, I must design a lot of things that non-technique man power can participate in order for solving the unemployment issue, not moving in a single direction to use most popular technology to reduce the job opportunities and make more troubles.
For providing the chances to the non-technique man power join in the ‘TES’, so that my electronic commerce must be designed with traditional trading patterns--that is ‘Substantial’ (real/tangible) business structure.
Fig 2 ‘TES Model’
Source: Din, Linda (2001:162)
In October 1998, when I sent my staff to proclaim in Silicon Valley of the United States, all the friends who have invested or ready for jumping into the business of e-commerce, they questioned consistently my substantial channel was an error designation; and they looked at my interpretation to the electronic commerce processes are all doubted (in spite of it’s officially proposed at APEC and I’ve received the positive responses). The interpretation of ‘TES Model’ (Fig 2) as follows:
In a cycle of transaction, it looks like a broken line kite if consumer was absent, and it became meaningless. Consumer is the hub of the said transaction cycle. The whole action and the peripheral collocation must surround the customer respectfully. In the figure 2, consumer comes to the VAM of electronic-store (eStore) to buy goods, ‘he/she can get the goods directly’—this section is substantial channel (per (1)).
In the substantial channel, the only difference with traditional store is, the eStore installed a digital integration appliance which is able to ‘sell, record, transit and print the receipt’ be called ‘VAM’ (Vending Automation Manager). VAM is not only selling goods, but also a recorder, able to transmit the transactional data at real time, and the use of a ‘communication module’ for sending the data to the parent company’s administrative center—also called ‘Control Center’ (CC) to conduct the data processing, thereafter, according to the categories that will inform the related suppliers, via the logistics center for restocking to each eStore.
It made so complicate like this, what is the purpose? Because of VAM and its TranSmart chip card reader, and transaction records and communications are belonging the part of the advanced technology, that can achieve ‘new technology has applications occasions’—be called ‘Intellectualization of Technological Industry’; in which mechanical parts belong to the traditional technique field, be able to provide the opportunities for ‘Technologicalization of Traditional Industry’.
For the usage of communications and data-processing, a ‘Supply Chain Software’ (TSCM) must be developed that can offer opportunities for many Universities joining in the ‘Industry-university Cooperative Research Project’, and together to participate in the development of this new industry. When consumers gain the extra product information in electronic-stores (eStore), they are able to use the home computer into the virtual channel (per (2)) to proceed another level of consumption, or obtain the information services.
This section (virtual channel) is the most favorites to all those who are wishing to enter the field of EC (E-Commerce); but only being developed in this section will result the disappearance of many jobs. Because this section only needs a control center, a warehouse, that’s all. And people go shopping for the pleasure of real contact will be gone away.
So, I advocate ‘virtual must combine with substantial’, and the ‘virtual’ will be guided by the ‘substantial’ to boost the business opportunities.
About this Business Model, who is leading to run pilot exercise successfully, who will create new commercial paradigm of new era, and dominating the world to come by application of this first-hand technology. And I have repeatedly insisted above mentioned, the only reason is expecting to bear the fruits in the land where I love.
Moreover, Linda Din who has been continuously proclaiming her substantial and virtual internet of things (IoT) through ‘Panhornic ComMec Holding Company’ a firm registered in Santa Clara, California of the United States, and expecting to attain her mission goal—‘Resolve Unemployment’. When Australia invited Linda Din to share the best practice experience at APEC 2003 for addressing the needs of SME exporters, Linda was according to her invention with the patents and intellectual properties such as AU2001100308, 20018249.8, 20214420.8/ BD Nr.20214420.8/ FR2829270/ JPN3077047, 3098522 / US6304796B1/ ZL00258198.1, 01275745.4/00992344/ TIPO #164576, 165187, 173516, 192139, 192715, 212870, M250254, M250259 and etc. reiterated that her invention—the substantial and virtual internet of things which was named ‘Global Channel-TES’ as a multilateral trading system will be able to make free movement of people, goods, services and capital for helping nascent entrepreneurs gain better access to the global market in addition to her slogan ‘One eStore One Business One Job’ in Ching-Mai and Bangkok, Thailand.
Din, Linda (2001). A Daughter of National Defense Employee—Linda Din, A Lady of Rich Taiwan. Taichung: Panhornic. ISBN 957-30374-0-8
Din, Linda (1998/9/3). Market Access. APEC MM 1998 SMEs Forum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Din, Linda (1998/9/4). Steering the E-Commerce. APEC MM 1998 Task Force, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Din, Linda (1998/12/2-4). APEC Sub-Institute of SME Consellors Training & Certification. The Third Working Meeting of APEC International Advisory Group of Experts, Chinese Taipei.